Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ed Bradley, Rest in Peace

from, Friday November 10.

Ed Bradley, Rest in Peace

from, Friday November 10.

Thursday, November 09, 2006 - NCF - Rare miss: Paterno will not attend Penn State game

This headline should read, "Paterno remembers that they are playing Temple."

Friday, November 03, 2006

Raise up off me

While I found this hilarious (they'll never be able to say that TO didn't have an excuse for ANYTHING), it begs the question, "are they paying a little too much attention to TO?" Who hasn't fallen asleep in a team meeting (aside from obviously far more intelligent white quarterbacks)? I've fallen asleep during plenty of GAMES (granted, I'm not on the team, but you get my point).

How do we go from TO trying to kill himself to TO falling asleep in team meetings, in a matter of 4 weeks? Will Parcells make it through the season, dealing with this?

What are the Eagles trying to do?

Give Philly fans a heart attack?
Divert attention away from the Flyers as the worst team in town?
Sneak into playoffs WAY below the radar?

Well, whatever it is, it ain't winning.

More Eagles commentary from me over at