Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Everyone's a winner??? - NBA - Van Gundy wants to open NBA lottery to all teams

Jeff, it's called "Free Agency" and it works like this: You wait a few years, after the draft busts bottom out, then you get to sign any talented player you want.

And honestly, there ain't nothing wrong with tanking. Philly should do it more often. But this is Philly, where we can win at losing.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Size DOES matter

Came across an interesting piece today on the greatest pro centers of all time. As the Sixers loom on the verge of the draft lottery (despite their 3-game win streak; fellas, what are you doing??? more ping pong balls >>>>>>>>>>>> W's), the question is whether to take Odom or Durrant (if they both come out). They say you can't coach size. And the article shows that every great big man to lace 'em up has at least one ring to show for it. Every one, except Patrick Ewing, that it (thanks to Charles Smith... and some guy named Mike).

Is Durrant the next MJ? Is Odom the next Kandi man (where is he, anyway... not that it matters), or the new big man to build around? Guess we'll find out over the next 5 years or so.