Sunday, October 02, 2005

Weekly Notes, 10/2/05...

Returning to the blog is a clear sign that life is finally starting to return to normal. Funny thing is, I was having a convo w/ a similarly busy friend last week, and she said, "maybe this IS normal." I'm starting to think so (like having 7 jobs should be normal for everyone). But still, the last few months have been out of hand. It's finally starting to get better managed.

In August, I unexpectedly made a movie. Long story somewhat short, this summer I planned on interviewing a bunch of my friends to get their reflections and thoughts about our old dorm on campus, W.E.B. Du Bois College House, one of the few living-learning residential programs in the country committed to the study and appreciation of African American culture. For one of the few times in my life I actually played it smart and went into this thing w/o the intention of doing it myself. My part was to film people during my summer travels, help make sense of the clips, and watch my student worker lay it all out. Well, when student worker quit in mid Aug, I was left w/ a whole bunch of footage and no movie. Thank god for iMovie HD. While I would have loved to have learned Final Cut and taken advantage of the additional tools, I didn't have that kind of time. The end result is pretty good. IT'S YOUR WORLD: THE LEGACY OF DU BOIS COLLEGE HOUSE. Screening on campus this Thursday.

Crazy thing is, this was absolutely the worst time to be doing the film. Aug/Sept is the busies time at work, and I had to prep for Saturday School launch (7th year), followup on book sales, negotiate a 2nd course at Penn, finalize non-profit paperwork, feed/bathe/teach/play with my kids, and a couple of things that I can't remember right now. It was real. But I got all of it (most of it) done. That said, I'm going on vacation in 2 weeks.

Anyway, the real reason I'm here (minus the procrastination) was to drop some quick football commentary. Here it goes...

Doesn't he know that McNabb only throws to Owens? How about a double-team? And seriously, you were up 17-0. Somebody needs to work with the Chiefs on closing out games. (But, as an Eagles fan, gotta say thanks, and better luck next time).

Just as I said to my co-worker that PSU was quietly off to their best start in the new millenium, ESPN wants to throw them some shine. I hope the writer (and the Lions) were knocking on wood, cuz the real test comes next week.

That's it for now. As the title indicates, I'll see next week. Maybe sooner.


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