Wednesday, December 28, 2005

ADD + Full Plate =

A horrific combo. Did I write about this before? (Woah. Factor in my forgetfullness to the equation, and the road gets even more slippery).

In all seriousness though, I'm having a terrible time staying focussed lately (oh, let's say for the past 2 and a half years). I'm clutch in crunch time, though, don't get me wrong. I gets the job done. But during the initial prep time when I'm supposed to be... well... prepping, I tend to overburden myself w/ a roster of to-do's. When I sit down to do one thing, I realize that my mind is doing 2 or 3 others. Soon my fingertips follow suit, and I've got 4 MS Word docs open (relating to 4 different things), a few web windows, all my e-mail accounts, calendars, etc. It's a mess. Not to mention, I'm terribly disorganized. I've been on at least a 2 year mission to get my files together. But I don't have time to do it. Like I said, it's a mess. ("It" being my entire life).

Okay, I'm being dramatic. The organizational aspects of my life are most certainly askew, but my life itself is actually fine. I've come to realize that over the past few years. There are going to be dustballs on the floor, clutter on the shelves, and things not crossed off on the to do list. And it's okay. If I don't get to everything the same day, or the same week, it's okay.

But back to the ADD thing... I don't know what's up w/ that just yet. And as if on cue, I've just thought of something else that I need to be doing, so I'm out of here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Let's Take a Long Walk

While it was happening in Philly (SEPTA) this fall, one of my major arguments for how the city was handling it was "this would never happen in New York." Guess I was wrong.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

OKP Highlight: The Boondocks & The N-word

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Injury to Insult

Add Brian Westbrook to the Eagles woes. (Not that it really matters at this point).

I told my homey Monday before leaving work that all Seattle needed was to put up 14 and it was a done deal. So after the Eagles failed to stop the Seahawks on the first series - letting them convert third down after third down - then Mike McMahon threw his first pick and dude ran it back for 7, it was 14-0, and I turned the TV off. But I did see when Westbrook came up gimpy on the sidelines, and I thought to myself, "I hope he doesn't have that foot injury that Dawk had a few seasons ago (Lis Franc)." Why did I have to think such a thing?

So now 'Brook and McNabb will be going to the Superbowl... on Madden... playing as the Colts! And T.O. will still be trying to get back in the locker room so he complain about how poor the organization is. (Yo, T, if you did this, maybe somebody would be willing to talk to you. Trust me... they're about to be that desperate again (but do they realize this?)).